
07/01/20250c031) Inverse Problems & End-to-end Deep LearningS. Ladjalcours
14/01/20251a2012) Inverse Problems & End-to-end Deep LearningS. Ladjalcours + TP
21/01/20250c03PnP posterior maxA. Almansacours + TP
28/01/20250c03PnP posterior sampling Langevin Diffusion ModelsA. Almansacours + TP
04/02/20250c03Variational AutoencodersA. Newsoncours + TP
11/02/20251a242GANsA. Newsoncours + TP
18/02/20251a201Texture synthesisS. Ladjalcours + TP
25/02/20251a201PnP with GANs and autoencodersA. Almansacours
04/03/20250a214tutoringAlmansa, Ladjal, Newson
11/03/20250a214tutoringAlmansa, Ladjal, Newson
18/03/20250a214tutoringAlmansa, Ladjal, Newson
25/03/20250a214project presentationsAlmansa, Ladjal, Newson

All courses occur on Tuesday  at 13:30 and finish at 16:45 with a 15 minutes pause.

When in person, all courses shall take place at

Télécom Paris (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
19 place Marguerite Perey
F-91120 Palaiseau

The classrooms are detailed in:

MVA general Calendar


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